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The Fabulous Baker Boys n' Girls. (Part 1)

The 1989 film ‘The Fabulous Baker Boys’ starring real life brothers Beau Bridges, as Frank Baker, and the ever cool ‘dudeness’ Jeff Bridges, as Jack Baker, alongside the uncompromising talent of Michelle Pfeiffer as Susie Diamond, portrays two talented lounge jazz musicians struggling to forge their career before turning to the talented, young and sultry singer, Susie Diamond.

The sounds of late-night mellow jazz accompanied by sensual singing forge memories of late night or early morning bakery work, depending on your sleeping habits.

 My first ever glimpse of a professional bakery was with one of France’s best bakers, David Bedu. Like the cool crooning Jack Baker, David is as smooth as they come. Unlike Jack, he is supremely humble, but revered by his peers as one of the best in the world.

The chaotic creativity of writing music, lyrics and songs as seen with the Baker Boys is equal to the potential chaos of developing creative bread and pastries. Many musical geniuses are revered and acknowledged the world over, whether it is someone like Miles Davis who continued to develop new musical directions whilst remaining at the forefront of many developments in jazz.

The same cannot be said of the bakery world. Anyone who dives into the rehearsal studio of social media can wind up lost in a labyrinth of multiple takes, versions and ego. If you look specifically for ‘bi-colour’ croissants you will uncover a world that has moved from the artisan to the mass-produced product and everywhere in between.

The world flocks to Florence to visit the famous statue of David, a masterpiece in sculpture by Michelangelo, however the other masterpiece that pilgrims of the croissant should visit is the real life ‘David’ and one of his masterpieces, the bi-colour croissant. Like Miles Davis, forever at the forefront, David has just developed the Cubotto croissant, a bi-colour cherry flavoured cube croissant.

Like the tension injected into the life of Jack Baker by the singer Susie Diamond, an injury beset David on the eve of launching his new bi-coloured croissant over 15 years ago. In utter frustration he published his method on the internet for the world to see, and use. Never truly acknowledged, apart from revered peers, David’s masterpiece is enjoyed and recreated the world over.

A gift to the world from the real-life living David of Florence. Thank you, my friend.

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