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The Fabulous Baker Boys n' Girls. (Part 3)

Enter the third character in The Fabulous Baker Boys, the singer, Susie Diamond, who injects life into the band. Our real-life bakery protagonist is the uncompromising Roberta Pezzella of Pezz Bakery.

The character of Susie Diamond is strikingly similar to Roberta, confident and charismatic, possessing a raw, natural talent that captivates her customers. Amongst the best bakers in Italy, and according to many, The Best!
A strong personality, male or female can be quite intimidating; Susie’s strength comes through her voice, Roberta’s shy strength emerges from her hands and manifests itself through the flour that they have laboured through.
The raw talent of Roberta’s is not only natural, but it has also come through years of hard work and constant study.  

Like a jazz performance that could not be missed, I was prepared to anything to take our group to visit this tiny bakery. My only link was through the masterful David Bedu, to which I leant on. Unsure if the performance at Pezz Bakery was going to be a chaotic scream or a master performance by a master baker - Roberta says, “Il pane e una cosa seria”, ‘Bread is a serious thing’.

The tiniest of spaces, upon entering, my eyes were like dinner plates, wide open and awe struck by the array of items. I wanted to be like Agustus Gloop in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and eat everything.
Despite all this, what I admired most, was the generosity of Roberta and her assistant, providing us with an unforgettable degustation as well as a site visit inside the grail that is Pez de Pane.
Roberta, you are a giant of the bread world, and I am humbled that I have had the opportunity to walk through the space of your bakery and witness one of the finest performances of my life.

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